New Studio Space

It has been great settling in to my new studio space downtown. Although December was a busy month with all the holiday festivities I was still able to make it down to the studio and start getting set up and moving in artwork to display and all of my painting supplies. (I had to sneak some pieces out of the house without Layla seeing.) I still have some work to do to finish setting up but I have been enjoying working in the space with what I have so far. The gallery and studio is a great old building with exposed brick and and beams. It has a lot of character and it's fun to see my art is this setting.

It has been great to connect with other artists who also have studios inside of the gallery. It is also wonderful to see the artwork that is on display in the galleries. I have also enjoyed talking with some of the visitors to the studio and gallery and make some new acquaintances. 

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I am looking forward to the first Arthop I will be a part of in Fresno. On Thursday, January 8th from 5-8pm my studio, the gallery and many other art locations downtown will be open to the public in the evening. I have walked around a few times during these events and it is wonderful to see all of the great art that is being made in Fresno and meet some of the artists. There are a lot of venues to visit and many things to see. I look forward to visiting with everyone who stops by to check out the gallery and see my space. I have many new pieces to share as well as some that are still in process. 

See you at Arthop!

The name of the gallery is 1821 Gallery and Studios -
It is located at: 1821 Calaveras St. Fresno, CA 93721

For a list of Fresno Arthop locations visit: