Daily Postcard Challenge

During the month of November I worked on a Daily Postcard Challenge. This was intended to be a discipline that would require me to create a postcard piece each day of the month. In order to have a level of accountability to help ensure that I finished the project I gathered names from friends, family, and Facebook friends to serve as recipients of each postcard. Thank you to everyone who participated!
It was a fun project, though challenging at times. This was intended to be a quick project each day and for the most part that was the case. Most of the cards were created in a matter of minutes. During the process I got to explore some different compositions and used some different colors than I typically use. Overall it was great to have all of these pieces to have on record. Some of them may become full-sized paintings as well. 
Another goal of the project was to seek inspiration. As Picasso said, "Inspiration exists, but it must find you working." This was a great jump start before I moved into my new studio space. It was helpful in getting the creative juices flowing before working on some larger pieces. 

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